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WHERE: West End Fairgrounds?

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But Monday’s sunshine and nice weather brought the crowd. Fair trade promotes better wages and living conditions for local-level workers. Event in Gilbert, PA by. POCONO CANNA WORLD FAIR. Gilbert, PA: The West End Fair’s 100th Anniversary Celebration kicks off August 21st and runs through the 27th!Enjoy food, fun, games, rides, and entertainment for the whole family. tiktok mashup Outdoor flea market at the WEST end fair grounds in Gilbert pa on fair grounds road. 1975 saw the fair transform from a single-day to a 6-day event. West End Fair is back for its 102nd edition from August 18-24, 2024, at the West End Fairgrounds in Gilbert, PA. 1K people interested and 1 The West End Fair is held at the West End Fairgrounds, located at 570 Fairgrounds Rd For more information on the event, call (610) 681-4293, email secwefa@ptd. weather report ontario california Fave Event #2023 #August #Monroe #Northeast PA. Welcome to the West End Fair in Gilbert, PA, Monroe County showcasing agriculture, livestock, 4-H, home products, arts, crafts, entertainment, music, demolition. Welcome to the West End Fair in Gilbert, PA, Monroe County showcasing agriculture, livestock, 4-H, home products, arts, crafts, entertainment, music, demolition. The event features animals, rides, games, food, demolition derby, entertainment, and more. The West End Fair officially opened on Sunday, August 21, at 2:00 pm Address: 570 Fairground Rd, Gilbert, PA 18331. Join us on Senior Citizen Day, … These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our websites are being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our websites and application for you in … Join us from August 18th to 24th, 2024, in Gilbert, PA. falcon hotel bridgnorth Welcome to the West End Fair in Gilbert, PA, Monroe County showcasing agriculture, livestock, 4-H, home products, arts, crafts, entertainment, music, demolition. ….

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